It is hard to overestimate the importance of videos and video marketing in the modern world. A large part of the population online prefers video content to any other type of content. So, we have more businesses creating video marketing strategies and investing in video content. Now, most of the consumer internet traffic comes from video, and year after year, the amount of mobile video consumed continues to increase.

With this trend, marketers know that video marketing is an excellent opportunity for them to connect with their ideal clients and customers and create strong bonds with them more effectively. In addition, customers relate better with videos because it facilitates their human element more and helps the prospects know the organization more intimately.

Videos allow you to create a story that is more compelling with your face, body language, surroundings, and tone of voice, compared to emails, text-based articles, and still graphics. This makes it an appropriate and powerful medium for content storytelling. In addition, you can use it to set yourself apart from competitors, especially if they have not adopted video marketing as part of their marketing strategy.

Note that people do not buy from companies; they buy from people. So you can use video marketing as your strategy to allow your prospects and clients to see the face or person behind the organization they are dealing with. Knowing all of these about video marketing, the next thing to discuss is how to increase engagement on your videos. Here are a few steps to take:

Use strong intro

In creating your videos, you must start very strong. It would be easier to keep the audience watching if you win over their interest from the very beginning. It does not matter what the content is about. You only have 3 to 5 seconds to win over their interest and have them. That is the make or breakpoint. If you fail to catch their attention, they quit the video, and they do not get the information you are trying to pass across. That is why you need to start strong and interesting.

Make the video informative and fast-paced.

The reason why you are creating a video is to grab the attention of readers and also retain it for a long time. So, if you want your viewers to get to the point where you have added the CTA, you need to keep the video fun and fast so that the viewers do not start to drop off one after the other.

As passionate as you are about your business, you also need to ask yourself while creating the video content – would you feel engaged by this video if another brand was making it? Put yourself in the position of the customers. If your answer is no, then you need to work more on the video. This way, you are honest with what you are doing, and you will be able to make high-quality informative video content.

Brand your videos consistently.

Whether your videos are live videos, professionally scripted webinars, or any other type of video, you must consistently brand the video. With consistent digital branding, your video becomes easier to recognize when they come across it, which helps build trust over time.

It is up to you to decide the branding element you include in your videos to help the viewers recognize the video as yours. It may be unique clothing that you wear in the videos or a brand logo at a corner of the video, or you include a branded outro or intro on each video.

Add your personality to the video.

Easy to say but hard to implement. Nevertheless, the audience enjoys watching videos with personality. It is easier to get engaged when there is someone memorable on the screen. You don’t have to be eccentric or a charismatic preacher. All you need is to add your personal traits to the narrative. Something from your character that will help the audience to relate and recognize your content among the others.

End your videos with a strong CTA

You can’t overlook the importance of CTA in your videos; otherwise, you will have your audience wondering what did you want them to do. Although it’s easy to forget this, CTAs are an essential component of your content and can be the difference between having a lead and making a conversion.

Consumers are conditioned so that they tend to look for CTAs to follow after consuming content. Adding one means that they do not have to worry or figure out what to do next. You make the process smoother for them when you add a strong CTA. Tell them the next thing to do if you want them to subscribe to your newsletter or read your blog. That is more effective than leaving them hanging and wondering what to do next.


Video marketing becomes an essential part of any digital marketing strategy. So, if you are going to be very competitive in the market, you need to reach your audience with content that resonates with them, and video marketing helps you achieve this.

Author Bio

Leon Collier is a blogger and academic writer from the UK who works with pro essay writers as a thesis writer. He likes trying new subjects and is always focused on proving his worth in new and challenging writing areas. His hobbies are reading books and playing tabletop games with his friends. You can reach him via Twitter @LeonCollier12.


Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash