With most of the big social networks embracing video, it was only a matter of time that Linkedin did as well. And now it has.

With businesses and professionals appreciating authenticity and human connection more than ever, it only makes sense for the platform.

Since August 2017, it has been rolling out a new native video feature. Users can now capture and upload videos from their smartphones directly to Linkedin, and also upload videos already in their devices via the Linkedin website. 

Since the feature is relatively new and Linkedin is rewarding videos with more organic reach and engagement, this is the best time for any professional or business to start taking advantage.

So in this post, we’ll take a look at LinkedIn native video, and how to make it work for you and your brand.

Why Linkedin Native Video?

The ability to embed YouTube videos has always been there in Linkedin, of course. But creating and posting native videos on Linkedin will get you more engagement. 

This has already been proven with other platforms like Facebook. Facebook native videos usually get 10 times more shares than other videos. 

So if you don’t start with Linkedin native videos soon enough, you may miss out on a huge opportunity to reach a substantial share of your target audience with the least cost, especially if you’re associated with the B2B space. 

For the same reason, keep in mind that you can’t win over your Linkedin audience with the same memes and entertainment videos that work well on Facebook. 

People on Linkedin are more interested in things that can help them advance their career or grow their businesses. So the idea is to give useful and practical content, but with a human voice. 

Another reason to use Linkedin native video is the quality of analytical data you get about your target audience. You can view details like job title, function and more about people who watch the videos. 

If you’re a B2B business, this data is a goldmine which can help you refine your strategy and capture the right market.

Important Things To Know

Linkedin video is still new. So they are likely to add more features and improve it as time progresses. So it’s important to know what you can expect for now and plan out your videos accordingly. 

  • There are no options to adjust picture quality or playback speed. So the viewing experience cannot be customized a lot. 
  • As of now, the videos you create on Linkedin can’t be embedded elsewhere. They can only be watched on Linkedin. 
  • The video can be shot in a horizontal or vertical format.
  • If it’s a vertical video, Linkedin will crop it to a square when viewed in a feed.
  • If it’s a vertical video, it will be displayed in full in the feed.
  • Similar to Facebook videos, LinkedIn videos start playing automatically in the feed, on mute. The user needs to click on the video to play audio.
  • The allowed video duration ranges from 3 seconds to up to 10 minutes.

There’s no way to add captions to parts of your video. So any text/subtitles should be hard captioned before you upload the video. 

Posting Video From Desktop Website

As of now, there is no inbuilt feature to create a video, but you can upload any video from your computer. To upload a video, look for a new video button in the status update box.

From there you can upload a video, add caption and click on post. 

Keep in mind that not every user will watch the video with sound. So make sure your caption gives a brief outline of the video.

Posting Video From Mobile App 

When you open the Linkedin app from your mobile or tablet, look for a video icon at the top of the status update box.

From there, you can pick a video file from your device, or even create a new one. 

Adding Subtitle Text To Your Videos

The most problematic aspect of Linkedin video right now is absence of options to add subtitle text. You won’t find the kind of auto-captioning features in Linkedin as on other networks like Facebook and YouTube. 

So if you want to caption your videos, you’ll have to think of something else. If you are an iPhone user, for instance, using the Apple Clips app is a great alternative. The app gives you the option to subtitle live at the pace you speak, so the captions come embedded in the video. 

Another way is to use a professional editing tool like Camtasia. Most video editors enable you to add captions in parts of your video.

Video Ideas To Post On Linkedin

The video feature is still in early stages. Brands and professionals are experimenting and learning as they go. 

As a result, we are seeing many different types of videos, packed with interesting content and insights, though not always polished to look neat and professional.

In fact, it’s that organic quality that makes these videos authentic and interesting to watch. 

You can use the video format to build a personal brand, give your audience a behind-the-scenes look at your business, interview colleagues and others in your industry and more.  

Interview Key People From Your Industry

Since LinkedIn allows anyone to record and share a video instantly, it’s a great place to interview key people (at a conference/summit for example) and share with your audience. 

That’s what Allen Gannett did at Content Marketing World. He recorded a short clip with Cathy McPhillips and uploaded instantly on Linkedin. 

Show Your Company’s Values & Culture

Nothing helps prospects and potential employees connect better with a brand than a peek inside its current people and culture. 

In this video, for example, Bernard Powell does a great job of talking the audience through the culture of his company. 

What’s great is that his passion is coming alive in each frame. The video also does a great job of conveying the business ethics.

Talk About Yourself

No doubt that Linkedin is a professional social network. But that doesn’t mean you have to be overly formal and people are just interested in business side of things.

First and foremost, people do business with people. And more so with people they know and trust. The more people get to know you, the more likely they are to hire you or buy from you. 

So record a video to share something inspiring about yourself, or showcase a certain skill or thought process. 

Show Your Work

 No matter what type of services you provide, you can use videos to let prospects get a glimpse of your completed and ongoing projects.

This video, for example, was created and shared by Chris Chien, a theme park concept artist. His short, highlight reel kind of video does a great job at showcasing his work at comic con.

The applications are endless. Real estate professionals can share video walk-throughs of their properties. Web designers can create a video-tour explaining design decisions on a recent project. And so on.

Show Your Product In Action

Nothing lets your prospects get a real sense of look and feel of product better than a demonstration video. 

Take a look at this video from Madison Allen. Instead of just telling prospects that Linde forklifts can meet any industry requirement, the video shows the product coping with severe working conditions in the industry.

This is the closest your audience can get to experiencing the product without being physically present. 


There is no better time to get started with Linkedin native video. Just like Facebook, Linkedin is likely to give better placement and exposure to videos than other types of content. So the sooner you get started, the better.