You're always looking to create the best possible content in your YouTube videos, but it's not just the videos that are important. You also need to be offering high class descriptions, as these are vital to your search rankings. The higher you are, the more people are finding your videos.

To get eyes on your videos, you need to craft the perfect description to accompany it. Here are some top tips for writing the best YouTube descriptions possible.

Find The Right Keywords

This is the most important thing, as the keywords you use tell YouTube what's in your videos. You'll want to choose one or two keywords that best describe what your video is about, and use them both in the title and the description.

If you're not sure which keywords to use, then you can use keyword tools like the Google Ads Keyword Planner. Just type in what your video is about, and it will suggest keywords to you.

Repeat The Keywords

Once you have the keywords, you'll want to use them a few times within your copy. When you do this, it shows YouTube that the term is important to the video you've uploaded. To get the best results, use it two or three times throughout the description.

'Be careful not to use they keyword too much' says writer Vanessa Fields from Top Writing Services and Elite Assignment Help. 'If you use them more than around three times in a description, it can be seen as keyword stuffing. In these instances, you'll actually be penalised.'

Write Like A Human

As you're seeing tips about keywords and other algorithm tricks, it's tempting to throw all the keywords in and just rely on that to get you views. However, that's not going to help your viewers as it won't really tell them anything. It's important to write like a human, and insert the keywords naturally within the text.

Put Important Info First

When writing a description, put the most important information first. When you video shows up in search results, you'll see that the first sentence or two will show up alongside it. This will show viewers what your video is about, so you'll want to make them count. Remember, that description will also be what the viewer can see under the video when they click on it. They'll have to click 'see more' to see the rest, so put everything important at the front.

Add Links And Metadata Below The Fold

If someone does choose to click 'show more', they love your stuff. That's why you should use this opportunity to promote yourself. Below the fold, add in links to your social media handles, product links, and your channel description. You can also add in meta data here, to help improve your SEO further.

Create Clickable Descriptions

'Around 70% of Millennials use YouTube to learn something new' says YouTube blogger Andrew Harrison, from Custom Writing and Revieweal. 'That's why your description needs to show them what they can learn from your video.'

For example, Math Meeting have a video about how to tie a necktie. Their description reads: 'How to tie a tie, step by step explanation. Learn the quickest and most popular method to tie a tie, the four in hand knot.'

Use Timestamps

Many viewers are going to want to skip to the part they want in your video. If you make them sit through it all before getting to the relevant info, they're going to click away. You can reduce the chance of that happening by using timestamps in your description. With these, viewers can easily find what they're looking for.

Don't Forget Hashtags

You have the option to use hashtags on your video, so don't forget to use them. When you use the right hashtags, it makes it a lot easier for people to find your videos. When using them though, it's always best to stick to around 15 or less, as otherwise YouTube will ignore them. Also, ensure that the hashtags are relevant to the video, as otherwise you'll lose viewers due to frustration.

Cite Your Sources

In your video, it's likely that you used footage, images or music from other sources. If you did so, you'll want to credit them below the fold in your description. It's the right thing to do, but it will also help you develop relationships with other creators. If you want to get into collaborating with others, then this will help you get the ball rolling.

With these tips, you'll be able to write the very best YouTube descriptions. It's more important than it seems, so you'll want to start making those excellent descriptions right away. You'll soon see a difference in your view counts once you put this advice into action on your channel.


Lauren Groff is a YouTube expert, and writes about YouTube marketing for those creating on the platform. She writes for Assignment Writing Service and University Assignment Help, and also edits for Academized Review.