Savoring Moments


Savoring Moments

Today I went to UB City mall, not knowing exactly what to expect. I had heard some hype about it being one of the fanciest places in town, but I wasn't convinced. I got off at the nearby metro station and walked towards it. The mall was huge, with several buildings and floors. Upon entering, I was greeted by a statue of a horse with golden hoofs and a shining coat. Each leg was raised as if it was galloping through the entrance. It was quite impressive.


I walked around the first level, observing the different shops and cafes. Everything was sleek and modern, with the latest in fashion, technology, and food. I saw people dressed in designer clothes, sipping on expensive drinks and eating exotic cuisine. As I explored the second level, I noticed a group of people gathered around something. I went closer to investigate and saw that they were watching a dance performance. Two young girls were performing a classical Indian dance, complete with bells on their ankles and intricate hand gestures. It was beautiful. I stayed for a while, mesmerized by their elegant movements.


As I explored the second level, I noticed a group of people gathered around something. I went closer to investigate and saw that they were watching a dance performance. Two young girls were performing a classical Indian dance, complete with bells on their ankles and intricate hand gestures. It was beautiful. I stayed for a while, mesmerized by their elegant movements


Continuing my exploration, I found myself on the third level, which had a more artistic feel to it. There were galleries showcasing local artists, their paintings and sculptures on display. I saw people admiring the art, nodding their heads in appreciation.


On the fourth level, I stumbled upon a bookstore, which was a pleasant surprise. It was a small store tucked away in a corner, but it had a great atmosphere. The walls were lined with shelves, and the smell of books filled the air.


I spent some time browsing through the different genres before deciding on a mystery novel by an Indian author.

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