10 Things You've Learned during Covid Lockdown... that you d


10 Things You've Learned during Covid Lockdown

...that you didn't already know before...


1. How to be more patient!

We've all had to lean on others more than usual and help others out more than usual -- giving us more patience and tolerance!


2. How to slow down!

Think back to how much we all zoomed around before covid hit... now we think we are busy if we have one "zoom" meeting planned!


3. How to prepare more meals at home!

Whether we wanted to or not, we all needed to learn some new ways to prepare food and enjoy meals!


4. How much we needed to clean the house!

Spending so much time at home made us realize that we might have missed a lot of spots when we were cleaning in the past!


5. How important our friends and family are!

As we are threatened with losing our loved ones during this pandemic, it has made us appreciate them even more!


6. How much fun it is to be around our pets!

Long neglected, our patient furry, feathered, or finned friends are finally enjoying some long overdue attention and extra playtime!


7. How slow our internet connection really is!

As more and more people work from home, binge watch, or other online tasks, we are all realizing how much faster we wish our internet was!


8. We are all essential workers!

Jobs that were often overlooked in the past suddenly appear as important as they really are. We have more appreciation for vital workers!


9. We are all essential businesses!

We are realizing that a business wouldn't exist unless there is a need for it. As many of our favorites close forever, we realize how much they contributed to the community.


10. We are all stressed out!

As tempers flare wherever we go, remember that we are all equally stressed out right now -- and some of us are having a very hard time! Please be kind!


What are YOU doing to help others survive the Covid lockdown?

Share your comments down below -- your ideas may help someone else!


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