5 laws of high-performing videos on Facebook


5 laws of high-performing videos on Facebook


Recently, Facebook shared video production rules that could catch people's attention. How can we apply those rules to our content creation?


First, it was made within 15 seconds.


People watch autoplay videos for an average of 16.7 seconds. Highly efficient videos on Facebook contain key messages in short videos less than 15 seconds.


Second, It started the video with a catchy scene.


People scroll through news feeds very quickly. In particular, mobile news feed scrolls 41% faster than desktop. Use cool thumbnails to capture your customers' attention.


Third, adding subtitles increases video viewing time by 12%.


Many people are watching videos without sound. Facebook videos should be able to deliver enough messages without sound.


Fourth, the screen was made vertically.


Seven times out of 10, the vertical video is said to be better. Produce 4: 5 or 9:16 video clips.


Fifth, repeat the test.


Recently, high-performance video producers are testing quite often. The weekly cycle is good.


There are sites that can get good video ideas.

https://www.facebook.com/ads/creativehub Here are some good video clips from Facebook and Instagram.


Share what your videos are performing well and study together :)

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